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No, cute is not a long vowel, cute is a word. It has a "long" U in it.

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Q: Is cute long vowel
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Does cute have a long vowel or short vowel?

"Cute" has a long vowel sound because the "u" is pronounced as /yu:/, making it a two-syllable word.

Does the word cute have a short or long vowel sound?

The word "cute" has a long vowel sound, pronounced as /kyoot/.

What is the long vowel in butte?

The long vowel in "butte" is the 'u' as in "boot."

Is the you in cube a long or short vowel sound?

The "u" in "cube" makes a long vowel sound, as it sounds like "yoo" as in "duke" or "cute."

Does cute have a long e sound?

No, the word "cute" has a short "u" sound like in "put."

What is the long vowel sound in the word butte?

The word butte rhymes with cute and mute. It has a long U (long YOO) vowel sound.(*some guides consider the long OO and long YOO separate sounds, but only the Y consonant sound is different, as in cute, which has an OO version coot)

What has the same vowel sound as mule and means pretty?

Both beautiful (byoo-tih-ful) and cute (kyoot) have the long OO (long U) vowel sound.

Does the word fruit have a long vowel sound?

No, the word "fruit" does not have a long vowel sound. The "u" in "fruit" is pronounced with a short vowel sound, like in the word "put."

Is mule a short vowel word?

Yes, "mule" is considered a short vowel word because the "u" in mule is pronounced with a short vowel sound, as in "muh-l."

What word has the same vowel sound as mule and means pretty?

Both beautiful (byoo-tih-ful) and cute (kyoot) have the long OO (long U) vowel sound.

Does Child have a long or short vowel sound?

It depends on the specific word or context. Some words may have a long vowel sound, such as "cute," where the "u" makes the long /uĖ/ sound. Other words may have a short vowel sound, such as "cat," where the "a" makes the short /Ʀ/ sound.

Does flute have an oo or a yoo vowel sound?

The vowel sound is a long U (long OO) vowel sound (floot).The YOO sound is another form of the long U, long OO, where a consonant shapes a y-sound. Some YOO words are cute, mute, fuel, feud, and uniform.