No, Denmark and Greenland are both constitutent countries within the Kingdom of Denmark.
If you ask for the currency of Greenland, it is the Danish krone.
Greenland is a country within the Danish Commonwealth of the Realm. The Queen of Greenland is therefore the Danish monarch - at this moment Queen Margrethe II of Denmark.
The Kingdom of Denmark owns Greenland. Greenland is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark. Greenland has its own home rule and self-governance, but its defense, foreign affair and finance are still the responsibility of the Danish government.
Denmark. (Danish is taught in school in Iceland and Greenland (Greenland is a part of Denmark, even though they have another language)).
Danish Croner is what they use in Greenland for money
The Danish Krone is the currency of Greenland.
A majority are Greenland Inuit, an Inuit people, who in turn are a subgroup of the Eskimo. There is a substantial minority of Europeans, mostly of Danish ancestry (due to the fact that Greenland is a Danish dependency).