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Q: Is Capital One M B N A?
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If a is congruent to b mod m and a is also congruent to b mod n what is the relationship between m and n?

There need not be any. Consider (a, b, m, n) = (37, 2, 35, 7) where n is a factor of m.or (a, b, m, n) = (37, 2, 5, 7) where m and n are relatively prime.

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To multiply m x 10a by n x 10b: multiply the numbers (m x n) add the powers (a + b) (m x 10a) x (n x 10b) = mn x 10a+b To divide m x 10a by n x 10b: divide the numbers (m / n) subtract the powers (a - b) (m x 10a) / (n x 10b) = m/n x 10a-b

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The Cartesian product of two sets, A and B, where A has m distinct elements and B has n, is the set of m*n ordered pairs. The magnitude is, therefore m*n.

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The B-A-M-N- Squad - 2008 SUSPENDED was released on: USA: 2008

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No. Rational numbers are defined as fractions of whole numbers. Suppose we have two rational numbers A = m/n and B = p/q. Then their quotient is defined as A/B = (m*q) / (n*p). Since m,n,p and q are whole, the products m*q and n*p are whole as well, making A/B a rational number.

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How many different elements does A X B have if A has m elements and B has n elements?

Oh, dude, it's like a math party up in here! So, when you have set A with m elements and set B with n elements, the number of different elements in the Cartesian product A x B is m x n. It's like multiplying the number of options in each set to get the total possibilities. Math can be fun... sometimes.

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A number a is even if there exists an integer n such that a = 2n A number b is odd if there exists an integer m such that b = 2m + 1. So: a+b = (2n) + (2m +1) = 2 (n+m) + 1 Since n and m are integers, n+m is also an integer. So a+b satisfies the definition of an odd number.

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What is the capital of Mew Mexico?

Generally 'N' for New, but an 'M' in this instance.

Is m plus n equals n plus m disributive property?

No, the equation m + n = n + m does not represent the distributive property. The distributive property is typically written as a(b + c) = ab + ac, where a, b, and c are numbers. It describes the relationship between multiplication and addition. The equation m + n = n + m is known as the commutative property of addition, which states that the order of addition does not affect the sum.

Write c program to find product of matrices?

#include#include#define MAXROWS 10#define MAXCOLS 10void main(){int A[MAXROWS][MAXCOLS], B[MAXROWS][MAXCOLS], C[MAXROWS][MAXCOLS];int M, N;/*Function declarations*/void readMatrix(int arr[][MAXCOLS], int M, int N);void printMatrix(int arr[][MAXCOLS], int M, int N);void productMatrix(int A[][MAXCOLS], int B[][MAXCOLS], int C[][MAXCOLS],int M, int N);clrscr();printf("Enter the value of M and N\n");scanf("%d %d",&M, &N);printf ("Enter matrix A\n");readMatrix(A,M,N);printf("Matrix A\n");printMatrix(A,M,N);printf ("Enter matrix B\n");readMatrix(B,M,N);printf("Matrix B\n");printMatrix(B,M,N);productMatrix(A,B,C, M,N);printf ("The product matrix is\n");printMatrix(C,M,N);}/*Input matrix A*/void readMatrix(int arr[][MAXCOLS], int M, int N){int i, j;for(i=0; i< M ; i++){for ( j=0; j < N; j++){scanf("%d",&arr[i][j]);}}}void printMatrix(int arr[][MAXCOLS], int M, int N){int i, j;for(i=0; i< M ; i++){for ( j=0; j < N; j++){printf("%3d",arr[i][j]);}printf("\n");}}/* Multiplication of matrices */void productMatrix(int A[][MAXCOLS], int B[][MAXCOLS], int C[][MAXCOLS],int M, int N){int i, j, k;for(i=0; i< M ; i++){for ( j=0; j < N; j++){C[i][j] = 0 ;for (k=0; k < N; k++){C[i][j] = C[i][j] + A[i][k] * B[k][j];}}}}