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Q: In the future will all video games be violent?
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Do violent video contribute to youth violence YES?

Honestly no. I am quite sick of that statement I play violent games all the time am I serial killer no. Listen violent people are violent before they buy violent video games and non violent people people that buy violent video games do not turn in to ravenous murderers. I see violent video games as an outlet for anger for some people which reduces violence in real life. so NO

What type of aggression occur after playing a violent video game?

Violent aggression is a myth, all of the peopke I know that play violent video games remain unchanged from their regular personalities.

How many people in NZ play violent video games that are under the age?

all of them

How can you prevent violent video games?

In a free country, you can't. You can prevent violent games by not buying or playing them. You, as 1, cannot stop the gaming industry from creating violent games. The gaming industry is the biggest selling product yet, higher than DVD products. So for you to stop violent video games, you will need the ALL world to be on your side. That, my friend, is impossible.

Do all bullies get their violence from violet video games?

yes i think so becuase the games ar violent too

Are violent video games good for preteen?

Violent games are not good at all for preteens but many scientists point out to this subject that violent games can make your reactions better. Also action and violent games could help your body to sprinkle adrenaline better but don't forget the first sentence...

What affects do violnet video games have on children?

They don't have any affects! For all you morons who read stupid magazines that tell you not to play violent video games you are wrong!

Do video games make kids more violent?

Studies have shown this to be proven false. Video games do not make children more violent.

What percent of video games are violent?

Well, the majority of PlayStation and Xbox games are all violent unfortunately and seem to be only suitable for male teenagers. But Nintendo games are praised for their non-violent appeal. For kids and those soft at heart, Nintendo games are the way to go. For teenagers, anything but Nintendo. That is how the video game world proceeds today.

Why does a video game affect you?

It can make small children violent, if they play violent games. It can also lead to obesity if you do nothing all day but play games. However, it can also be educational, depending on the games you play.

How does violent video games cause violent behaivor?

They simply don't cause violent behavior. No evidence proves a link between violent video games and violent behavior. Video games are mainly used for stress release and entertainment, so if anything, they prevent violent behavior.

Video game and it's effect on students?

I do not necessarily believe that video games contribute to violent behavior in adolescents because I think kids and teenagers know the difference between right and wrong. Many parent have incorrect ideas about video games. Such as was stated in the first article, if a kid was spending a lot of time playing the piano or doing sports they would be considered doing something good and healthy where as if they spend a lot of time playing video games it is considered unhealthy. Video games can be an outlet for stress and it good for everyone to have a way to deal with their stress. Most teenage boys play video games so to say that the typical violent teenager was made that way by video games is a little ridiculous. They all play video games and they are not all violent kids.