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just buy it on the GE......its called brass key

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Q: In runescape where do you get the key to go into the small house outside Varrock where the hill giants are?
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How do you buy a house on runescape?

Go to the place with the house icon in varrock.

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Juliet can be found in her house on the second floor just outside of west varrock walls near the cooks guild.

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Speak to estate agents in Runescape. One of them is in east varrock just opposite the altar

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Look for a house icon on mini-map at: Falador Varrock Camelot Also note you have to be a member to get a house.

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Dummies are located North of Lumbridge castle and East Varrock in a house across from the bank.

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On way to Barbarian Village, just past the big bank when leaving varrock.

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You can find him in varrock palace on the first floor in the room on ur right

Who is the estate agent on RuneScape?

The estate agent is the guy on Runescape that allows you to change the location of your house for a small fee.. I believe he is located barely North of the east bank in varrock.

In Runescape can you die in your house?

No. You will either be sent outside the house portal or in the room outside the area

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They are found on Doogle Bushes on the ground south of Gertrude's house (just west of Varrock)

When do you get to get a house in RuneScape?

Whenever you want to. Talk to an estate agent - there are estate agents in Varrock, Ardougne, Falador, and Seer's Village - and pay a small amount to get your house. You must be a member.

Where is Juliet in RuneScape?

She can be found on the second floor of her father's house just outside the western gates of Varrock, north of the path. [Edit by Zerizon]] In other words, south of the cooking guild near the grand exchange. You go inside the big 2 story house and go upstairs.