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If ever a creature's toughness is reduced to zero (or less), it will be destroyed as a state-based effect. If a 1/1 creature gets a -1/-1 counter, then effectively it has a toughness of zero, and will be destroyed.

Edit: Note that a creature having 0 toughness is not a destroy effect. As per the state based actions, it will be put into its owner's graveyard. This does trigger "Dying" effects. This is an important distinction as having 0 toughness is one of the ways to get rid of indestructible creatures.

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Q: In Magic the Gathering does -1 counter kill a Power 1 Toughness 1 creature?
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In magic the gathering if an enchantment makes a creatures power and toughness go to or below zero does that make the creature go to the graveyard?

Toughness, yes, Power, no. If a creature's Toughness ever goes to zero or below, it is put into the graveyard. However reducing a creature's Power to zero or below, will do nothing, apart from make it unable to deal damage.

In magic the gathering when does toughness reduce?

the only time toughness is taken away is when a spell or ability says it does

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There is no best card. It all depends on how you play and your preferences. In terms of power and toughness, it's the 13/13 Krosan Cloudscraper.

In Magic The Gathering do cards that have an effect based on creature power and toughness take into account counters on it or are they only affected by the card's printed power toughness?

They will always count the modified Power/Toughness, including the bonus or penalty from any counters or other external effects like Auras or Enchantments. I don't think any card looks at only the printed P/T on a creature in the Battlefield.

What number is strength on magic the gathering card game?

The number that appears to the left of the "/" is the creature's power, aka it's attack.The number to the right is it's toughness, aka it's defense.For example, for a 5/3 monster, 5 is it's power and 3 is it's toughness.

What is throat slitter in Magic the Gathering?

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What does the pt stand for in deck building?

The "pt" in deck building typically stands for "power and toughness." It refers to the numerical values that represent a creature card's strength and durability in games like Magic: The Gathering. Power represents the amount of damage the creature can deal, while toughness represents the amount of damage it can withstand before being destroyed.

What does a ooze token do in magic the gathering?

An Ooze token is a creature that can be created. The token card is the representation of that creature.

In Magic the Gathering can creature tokens attack the turn they are brought out?

No, unless they have haste.

What is a flash counter in magic the gathering?

'Flash Counter' is a Blue Instant costing 1U. "Counter target instant spell."

Do counter stay on a creature or artifact if it regenerates in magic the gathering?

Yes. The card never leaves the field, it does not lose any enchantments, nor do equip cards unequip from it, nor are any counters lost.

In magic what do the numbers at bottom right of card mean?

In the bottom right there are numbers on creature cards X/Y. X= creature's attack power were y= creature's toughness.