

How slow is a sloth?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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12y ago

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Type your answer here... dunno but im pretty sure its slow sorry!

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12y ago

In fact sloths are faster than 20% of mammals in the whole world!

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4 *10^5

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Q: How slow is a sloth?
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The sloth is very slow and it is not lazy it is just slow

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Sloths bears can run at speeds of up to 25 mph for short distances when they feel threatened. However, they generally move slowly and are more known for their climbing abilities.

Why is a sloth slow?

Sloths have a slow metabolism and low muscle mass, which contributes to their slow movement. Also, their diet of leaves provides little energy, and their arboreal lifestyle means they conserve energy by moving slowly to avoid predators.

What creature is slow and sleepy?

A Sloth is slow and sleepy.

Why was the sloth named sloth?

The word sloth comes from the Middle English term slouthe which means slow.

Are sloths lazy?

Sloths have a slow metabolism due to their diet and low-energy lifestyle, not necessarily because they are lazy. Sloths conserve energy to survive in their environment, where food is scarce and they rely on camouflaging and their slow movements to avoid predators.

What does it mean when a person is called sloth?

When you call a person a sloth it means that person is slow.

Antonim for hper?

slow, sloth like

What the possessive noun of sloth?

The possessive form of the noun sloth is sloth's.Example: A sloth's metabolism is extremely slow.

What is a metaphor for someone is very slow?

Fast a lightning, as swift as the wind (or an arrow). Or he or she is even as fast as Usain Bolt!

Why are anteaters so slow?

They are part of the sloth family

Is a sloth a slow moving type of mammal?

of course it is