The American girl doll Samantha is worth 100$ but now she'' worth about 200$
American Girl doll Josefina is 100$.
The American Girl doll named Jess is worth approximately $400. This price excludes local taxes and delivery. One can also purchase a well looked after used doll for about $300.
I would think about $100 or more for the doll not including the accessories
i created my American doll it costed 99$ and others that you don't create or 99$ or 100$
The American girl doll in 2008 was 95 dollars +shipping
Same as every where else $100 I know its a lot but its worth it!:)
Prices of American Girl Felicity doll varies from store to store. An estimate of a reasonable price is 24 dollars. If a person is going to purchase American Girl Felicity doll online, there is also shipping charge incurs to the 24 dollars price.
It is about $20 in American Girl stores.
You cannot buy Helena now because she in storage forever, but you can read her books.