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duncan 1955 yo yo

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Q: How much is a 1955 duncan yo yo worth-original?
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Related questions

How much does a yo yo cost in 1998?

Google Duncan's homepage for history, vintage yo-yo's etc.

How much are duncan yo yos at target?

five dollars

How much is a duncan rainbow tin yo yo dated 1934 worth?

over $50

Were can you get a duncan butterfly yo yo in the UK?

Check Duncan's homepage for store info. Just Google Duncan Yo-Yo's and it will come right up.

What year did Donald Duncan open his first yo-yo factory?

Google Duncan Yo-Yo's homepage.

What year were Duncan Yo-Yo's made?

In 1946, the Duncan Toys Company opened a Yo-yo factory.

How much would a yo-yo cost in the 1920s?

Well, honey, back in the 1920s, a yo-yo would set you back about 5 to 15 cents. Not too shabby for a little toy that could provide hours of entertainment. Just don't go asking me to do the conversion to today's prices, I'm not a human calculator, sweetie.

Who thought of the yo yo?

Google Duncan Yo-Yo's homepage.

Why did df duncan invent the yoyo?

DF Duncan didn't invent the yo-yo. The yo-yo has been around for 2,500 years and is the 2nd oldest toy. DF Duncan only changed the yo-yo to make it better and more famous. The yo-yo began in Greece.

Which modern yo-yo in 1928?

Google Duncan Yo-Yo's homepage.

How do you replace the string in a Dark Magic yo-yo?

Google Duncan Yo-Yo's homepage.

Who introduced the toy yo yo in 1930?

Donald F. Duncan introduced the yo yo.