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Q: How many yellow cards did alan smith get?
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Related questions

How many yellow cards issued at euro 2008?

20 yellow cards

How many yellow cards given out at the 2006 world cup?

345 yellow cards.

How many yellow cards accumulated in the la liga before suspension?

5 yellow cards is a one game suspension

How many red and yellow cards were issued during the 2010 world cup?

260 yellow cards 17 red cards.

How many yellow and red cards has steven Gerard got?

This season he has got no red cards or yellow cards so far!

How many Christmas Cards did Shawn Smith send?

he sent 69 cards

How many yellow cards are there in uno?

The deck has 108 cards with 25 of each color (red, green, blue, and yellow).

How many yellow cards has shunsuke nakamura?

there is a number of player with these yellow cards one player onece receved 17 yellow cards in 15 games the same happend in America a player there reseved 4 red cards due his yellow cards this resulted in him quiting saying the sport is umfair

How many goals didAlan Smith score for arsenal?

Alan Smith played a total of 347 games for Arsenal.

How many yellow cards has paul scholes had?


How many yellow cards has Torres had for Liverpool?

25 :)

How Many Yellow Cards Does Cristiano Ronaldo Have?

a lot!