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4-letter words

abas, abet, afar, arak, arbs, area, ares, arfs, arks, arts, asea, ates, baas, bake, bare, barf, bark, bars, base, bask, bast, bate, bats, beak, bear, beat, best, beta, bets, brae, Bras, brat, ears, east, eats, efts, eras, erst, etas, fake, fare, fast, fate, fats, fear, feat, feta, fets, frae, frat, fret, kaas, kabs, kaes, kafs, kart, kats, kbar, keas, kefs, kerb, kerf, raft, rake, rase, rate, rats, rebs, refs, reft, rest, rets, sabe, safe, sake, sark, sate, sear, seat, sera, serf, seta, skat, stab, star, tabs, taka, take, tare, tars, task, teak, tear, teas, tref, trek, tsar

5-letter words

abaft, abase, abate, abets, afars, after, araks, areas, asker, aster, baker, bakes, bares, barfs, barks, baser, baste, bates, beaks, bears, beast, beats, betas, braes, brake, brats, break, eskar, faker, fakes, fares, fates, fears, feast, feats, fetas, frats, freak, frets, kabar, karat, karst, karts, kbars, kebar, kerbs, kerfs, kraft, rabat, rafts, rakes, rates, reata, saber, sabra, sabre, safer, saker, skate, stake, stare, stark, steak, taber, tabes, taker, takes, tares, teaks, tears, treks

6-letter words

abaser, abater, abates, afters, bakers, barest, basket, baster, brakes, breaks, breast, fakers, faster, freaks, kabars, karate, karats, kebars, krafts, rabats, reatas, skater, strafe, strake, streak, tabers, takers

7-letter words

abaters, abreast, arabesk, karates

9-letter words


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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

Over 40 ,

Two Letter

At, As

3 letter

Rat, Cat, Bat, Fat, Car, Cub.

4 Letters

Bulb, lake, Race, Lace, Fast, Club, Take, Rake, Rats, Rate ect.

5 Letters

Break, Cakes, Fakes, Rates, Clear

6 letters

Breaks Breast Faster

More than 6

Breasts Breakfast


Add on but dont delete :

4 letters

Real Cake Fake

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โˆ™ 12y ago

Words that can be made with the letters in pancakes are:

  1. ace, aces,
  2. an
  3. ape, apes,
  4. as
  5. ask
  6. asp
  7. cake, cakes,
  8. can, cans,
  9. canape
  10. cane, canes
  11. cap, caps
  12. cape, capes,
  13. case
  14. nap, naps
  15. nape, napes,
  16. neck, necks
  17. pace, paces,
  18. pack, packs,
  19. pan, pans
  20. pane, panes,
  21. pea, peas,
  22. peak
  23. pecan
  24. peck, pecks,
  25. pen
  26. sack
  27. sake
  28. sank,
  29. sap,
  30. scan,
  31. scape,
  32. sea,
  33. snack,
  34. snake,
  35. snap,
  36. sneak
  37. space,
  38. span,
  39. spank,
  40. speak
  41. spec,
  42. speck
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โˆ™ 12y ago

Words that can be made from the letters in breakfast are:

  1. a
  2. aft
  3. after
  4. are
  5. ark
  6. ask
  7. aster
  8. art
  9. at
  10. ate
  11. bake
  12. baker
  13. bark
  14. base
  15. bask
  16. basket
  17. baste
  18. bat
  19. beak
  20. bear
  21. beast
  22. beat
  23. brake
  24. brat
  25. break
  26. breast
  27. ear
  28. east
  29. eat
  30. fake
  31. faker
  32. fare
  33. fast
  34. faster
  35. fat
  36. fate
  37. fear
  38. feast
  39. feat
  40. freak
  41. fret
  42. ken
  43. raft
  44. rake
  45. rat
  46. rate
  47. rebar
  48. rest
  49. saber
  50. safe
  51. safer
  52. sake
  53. sat
  54. sate
  55. sea
  56. sear
  57. seat
  58. set
  59. skate
  60. skater
  61. stab
  62. stake
  63. star
  64. stark
  65. steak
  66. strafe
  67. tab
  68. take
  69. taker
  70. task
  71. tea
  72. teak
  73. tear
  74. trek
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โˆ™ 14y ago

earl, real, care, are, leer, car, ace, reel, ear, race, lace, ale, arc, eel

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โˆ™ 12y ago

Omelet, souffle, quiche

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How Many Words Can You Spell Using breakfast?

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Eating breakfast, I came up with cereal. can't get any others. After breakfast I had to relace my shoe.

What is a compound word that means breakfast?

Yes, breakfast is a compound word. The two words in breakfast are break and fast. Breakfast is actually a morning meal that literally breaks one's fast.

How do you say bed and Breakfast hotel in French?

Un bed and breakfast (these are borrowed words)

What should you make for Mother's Day breakfast?

breakfast in bed

What material is best to make breakfast bar furniture out of?

Wood is a perfect material for crafting many furniture products out of such as a breakfast bar. Wood is light weight and can be laminated to make it waterproof to suite the needs of a breakfast bar material whilst being cheap for the consumer.

How long does it take to make east breakfast casserole?

If you want to make a good breakfast for your husband you should try Turkey Sausage Breakfast here is the whole recipe

What time did Betty make breakfast?

all breakfast, all the time

What is a good breakfast sandwich?

There are many ways to make a good breakfast sandwich, but one would be a fried egg, sausage or bacon and melted cheese on an English muffin.

How many words could you make out of make?

You can make the words: ma, me, am,

What should a 8 year old make for breakfast?

An eight year old can make microwavable Pancakes for breakfast.

How many words can you make from the make?

Words that can be made from the letters in MAKE are:aammame