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Heavy support itself doesn't cost any points, you are allowed to put 3 units in it but how much you put in it is up to you on a game to game basis.

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Q: How many points is the heavy support worth in space marines 40k?
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Warhound Scout Titan.

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It depends on how you arm it, read Codex:Space Marines to get the exact value.

How many points is a space marine worth?

A space marine battle force consists of 1.Rhino/razorback 2.10 tactical marines 3.5 Assault marines 4.5 Scouts ---------- Depending on how armed, it can add up to roughly 500 points

What is the points cost for space marines?

There are many different types of space marines, so thus there is no straight answer. Spacemarine terminators in unit of 5 and a terminator sergeant are 200pts. You can then add 5 extra terminators for 40pt per model. Assault Marines come in at minimum, groups of five, and that is 100 points. Additional Marines after that cost 18 points. There are many others, and you may consider buying a space marine codex if you want all of them.

What is the points cost of a Space marine Assault marine in 5th Edition?

This is entirely based on the weapons you give them and how large you want the squad to be. They're 20 points a model and you can have a minimum of 5. Leaving you 100 points of Assault Marines, if you want more they cost 18 points to expand on I believe.

Why do space marines cool?

space marines cool because they hot before now they cool.

Are space marines the best?

Answer: It depends on how you use them. They are not to good at range, but when you get within 24 inches with a few boltguns they're amazing. Their tanks are pretty good but they don't have a substantial long range blast template weapon. Their fast attack is some of the best in my view, transports are really good for transports. Overall if you're looking for a short range good heavy support, and good close combat, Space Marines are your best bet.Another answer: In short no, the space marines are not the best. Each army has both its strengths and weaknesses. Space marines are powerful and one of the most popular armies, but they are small in numbers. Check out each army's strengths and weaknesses. Check them all out, find out which one YOU like best, if you like necrons go with them, tau go with them. Do what YOU want. In short again, space marines are not necessarily THE best.

Can Space Marines use the Valkyrie?

NO, Valkries are for the Imperial guard. Space Marines use Thunderhawk Gunships.

How old are the orks?

AnswerThey're just as old as the the Space Marines because 40k stated with Space Marines vs Orks.