Five letter words that can be made from the letters 'one hundred' are:droneendedendererodeheronhonedhordehoundroundudderunder
There are Greek one-letter words in the New Testament, but there are no one-letter words in Hebrew.The English word 'a' referring to the indefinite article, occurs many times in all English translations.
One - Almond.
There's 33. Twenty one- 4 letter. Twelve- 5 letter ones
There are a few one-letter words in Greek, including η and ο, but Hebrew has no one-letter words.
Just the one.
are you serious, there are too many words in the English language to count with the letter R in them, it would take a lifetime and then some to figure that one out. just think of how many words u use a day that end in the letter R! there were 9 words in my statement until this sentence. catch my drift??
Some four letter words that can be made from the word 'quid' by changing one letter are:quadquitquiz
Words that can be made from the letter is 'with' are:hihitIitwit
question is one.
A letter that has only one syllable.