one or more
around 42
How many words can you find in the word capillaries
me, more, i, am, are, a, may, or, my,
You can make Fiona. and much more other words you can search. with Sorry, If am not helping.
You can make the words: a post photo stop hat he pea sea troop and probably many more!
many words!! Dog, dad, dumb... many more!
Four or more letter words that can be made from the letters in BACKBONE are:acneaeonbabebackbaconbakebancobanebankbeaconbeakbeanbeckbeckonbockbonecakecanecanoecokeconeconkebonkenoknobkoannabobnecknockoakenoceanonce
You never know how many words you can make out of Summer Fun.Here are a few that I made:SumSunRunRumFernNurseThat's all I got but you can probably find more on your own.
You can make words like "car," "brain," "barn," "lion," "black," and more out of the letters in "Charlie Brown."
You can make over 200 words just from "extinguisher". so "gator fire extinguisher" would have many more than that.
about 15, maybe more