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Q: How many hula hoops sold in the US in 1959?
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Related questions

What was just one of many new items to hit the market during the 1950s.?

TV dinners, TV sets, transistor radios, milk cartons sold in stores, hula hoops, are a few.

Who invented the hula popper?

The toy known as hula-hoops was first patented by Arthur Melin and Richard Knerr. However, similar toys were used within various cultures throughout history. There is a source link below.

What was the product life cycle of the Hula Hoop?

developed and tested on U.S. playgrounds and was found to have the longest play value. After only four months on the market, 25 million Hula Hoops had been sold. In less than a year, sales had almost completely stopped

What are hoops and yo-yo?

Hoops and Yo Yo are two funny characters that makeup funny but lame jokes. Sold in Hallmark. Hoops- Pink Yo Yo- Green

History of hula hoop?

The hula hoop started out as an exercise hoop made out of bamboo. The Wham-O toy company created a plastic version of the hula hoop in the 50's. When the craze of this toy started, twenty five million of these toys sold in four months.

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How many copies of A Separate Peace were sold?

Over 8 million copies of A Separate Peace have been sold worldwide since its publication in 1959.

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What is the best selling toy ever?

The best selling toy ever sold are Barbie dolls,hula hoops , and Lego bricks.Syores sell over a billon Lego bricks every year. Since there are more girls in the world more people buy Barbies and hula hoops for their children.Lots of little boys buy Legos and give them away as presents or keep them and make a big master piece. There are over three billon different kinds of Lego sets. That's alot of Lego stes. So now you now whats the top selling toys ever. One favorite this year seems to be the TickleMe Plant Greenhouse. In it you can grow an interactive real house plant that moves and closes its leaves when you Tickle It.

How much did a pound of apple cost in 1959?

Apples weren't sold by the pound, they were sold by the barrel.

When was my marlin model 60 made?

it was designed in 1959, and first sold in 1960, and still being sold today.

What record sold most in 1959?

mack the knife by bobby darin