yes the longstrike is better then the longshot. it can become 3 guns and it has better range. so go for the longstrike. Unless you want distance. If you want a far shooting gun then go for the Longshot even though it is heavier.
up to 10 metres or more
Depends if you're gonna mod it. The longstrike will never shoot as far as the longshot. Accuracy is about the same. But the longstrike is very comfy. So if you're gonna mod it..Longshot...Not modded...Personal preference, but I'd go for the longstrike if I wasn't gonna mod the longshot. It's comfy.
Maybe 30 ft. You don't get too much distance since projectile is light.
50 ft
Depends what you're looking for, if you're looking for size, go for the longshot, if firepower is your thing, go for the Titan.
30 ft and if you mod it 100 feet
1700cm, or 10.7m but you can mod it to shoot way further
The Longshot CS-6 shoots up to 35 feet.
doesnt exist\improvement- same as normal longshot
to the 6 million who died in it, yes. To mankind, no, not by a longshot.
Depends on the gun. Nobody really knows