you cant once you put it in you can 't take it out without taking apart the gun but if you have modded a Nerf gun before its pretty easy. But if you are really determined to get it off off and are prepared to take it apart search it up on YouTube
Unscrew it then take out the bolt then take out the plunger system the stick a long screwdriver in the back and knock out the air restrictor
its a cs-6 and you dont
The Nerf Longshot can only take streamline darts. streamline darts can work with all guns but the nightfinder
Well, honey, to take the bolt from a Nerf Longshot, you first need to remove the screws holding the blaster together. Once you've got that baby open, you can access the bolt and take it out. Just be careful not to lose any pieces, unless you want your Longshot to be more of a Shortshot.
Yes, there are a few videogames for the Nerf Longshot, I suggest you take a look at local toystores such as Toys 'R Us or online stores such as Amazon and eBay.
take the screws out and open it up, there will be a orenge tube about five inches long uscrew it and take out the spring, take the cover off and put a nother spring the same size in there so there is two, then put it back together and the darts will go faster and farther
I would personally say that the maverick is the best simply because of its versatility and ability to fire any dart. It really helps out to have this ability in extended battles. You can pick up the darts your opponent fired at you and shoot it back at them. As well, the trajectory of fire is easy to get used to. If you take care of your gun, you shouldn't have any problems with it. The maverick is reliable and a solid gun. If you want a cool gun, get the longshot. I don't have the recon so I don't know about it. The longshot is a good gun although it jams the darts and damages them if you don't load it properly. It shoots really far, although the trajectory is hard to predict because of the awkward flight of the streamline darts. As well, unfortunately the longshot can only shoot streamline darts. However, the gun is really good if you take care of it and the extra clip in the back helps in extended battles. However, I have found out that when using the longshot, I don't win as much and lose to the maverick simply because of running out of darts or because the gun can't reload and shoot as fast. Overall though, take care of the longshot, it looks good, and it is a great gun that shoots far.
well first take the top off then take the first piece you see after the top (front) is took off then run in in col water in sink or bathtub then put piece back in with top (font) but first take top (front) and the firs piece off and clean both of then put then back then try to turn it on then you have a nice fresh conditioner
Push the back prongs into the slots of the Longstrike. Then, take the barrel extension and rotate it to about a 120 degree angle. Insert it into the slot and push it in.
Type your answer here... you squeeze the buttons on each side of it and slide it off.
A few weeks at the most maybe a month
I just take an extra stitch on the bottom of the piece, or in a hidden portion, and pass the needle back through the stitch to form a knot, Then I pass it through again to double the knot. If the sewing piece is needlepoint, I simply weave the yarn through the back of the stitches in the piece.