Pry off the slide. Undo the screw on the safety and remove. There may or may not be a pin but if there is, pop it out. I dont really remember what else but it should be pretty straight forward from here.
Happy airsofting !
take apart the whole gun
Don't think you can. If you can take yours apart you can paint it.
On the left side of the safety switch there is a pin that blends into the pistol pretty well. take that pin out and the gun should come apart.
You have to take it apart
Take it to a trained repair person.
8427 shots, without dry firing
Which one?
Contact Colt and ask for an owner's manual. Ask a gunsmith for help.
Yes I have a bunch of airsoft gun's and i have used ammo that is the wrong size... and i clogged the gun and had to take it apart to get it out.
Best to take it to a gunsmith and ask for help
Ask a gunsmith for help
Ask a gunsmith for help or ask the maker for a manual