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The correct spelling is 'aqua'.

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Q: How do you spell aqua?
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The Roman word for water is?

Since latin word for water is aqua then the modern roman would spell it out as acqua.

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you need to learn to spell you get it in team magma/aqua's base

Any good trap or spell cards you can use in your deck?

Atraffic Control, Bottomless trap hole, Skauretsu armor, Aqua Jet(if you have some aqua or sea serpents), Monster Reborn

When did Aqua Aqua happen?

Aqua Aqua happened in 2000.

When was Aqua Aqua created?

Aqua Aqua was created on 2000-11-02.

What Yu-Gi-Oh card powers up aqua type?

Umi, a field spell card. A Legendary Ocean (a field spell card) and Star Boy (a monster) power up WATER monsters.

How do you say water. In latin?

The Latin word for water is aqua.

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Is aqua's base on Ruby?

there is no team aqua on ruby. Aqua is only on Sapphire and emerald. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Is there a Aqua Plane?

no, but there may be "AN" Aqua Plane