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Q: How do you put two dots over the letter e on mac?
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How do you put an accent over a letter on a Mac?

Push "Ctrl" and the apostrophe button " ' " at the same time and release. Then push the letter key you wish to have an accent.

How do you put two dots over the letter o on the computer?

Well, I looked through over the Character Map in order to find it.There are no ways to put dots on any font letter, however, there's a character with the two dots put on its typeface itself.Just use the following shortcut keys to produce this character, one for the upper case, one for the lower case of the character:Alt + 0214 ÖAlt + 0246 öNote: when performing shortcuts, you must press & hold all the keys in the shortcut altogether....

What is 24 over 36 in a decimal?

. . 0.66 (put the dots above 6 as it means reoccurring)

How can you put the two dots above a letter in typing such like this Ä ä?

Um. i don't know how to make an i with dots but i can do this Alt+142=Ä and Alt+148=ö hope that that helps you out

What do three dots in answer mean?

Possibly an indicator of an infinite decimal (since it is not possible to put a dot over the recurring digit).

How do you put the two dots over the you in the German word Fuhrer?

on microsoft word, there's usually a sign thing you can choose from.

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How do I put an apostrophe above a letter in spanish?

To put an accent mark on a letter in Spanish, you can use the following shortcuts: For PC: Press and hold Ctrl + ', release the keys, then press the letter For Mac: Press and hold Option + E, release the keys, then press the letter This will allow you to correctly put an accent mark on a letter in Spanish.

How do you close four dots with three lines?

First, make a triangle. Then put the four dots anywhere on the triangle.

How do you type on a mac keyboard?

You put your fingers on the keys and press down until a letter appears on the screen.

What happens when you put on to much acne soaps?

All it would do is make your skin really dry so you don't want to have the cream all over your face just put it on the dots of acne and you would have to put it all over your face if you had a giant acne on your face hehheheh :) <3 happy to help!

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