The object of the game is to get rid of the player's personal draw pile.
2 to 4 players.
Use 2 full decks, no jokers.
Each player is dealt a 5 card hand and a 10 to 20 card personal draw pile (2 players = 20 cards, 3 players = 15 cards, 4 players = 10 cards). The remaining cards are placed in the middle of the table, they are the general draw pile.
Each player also has 4 spaces into which they discard one card at the end of each hand. The rules governing these personal discard piles are: a player may not move a card from one pile to another, once you place a card onto a pile the only way it can be moved is to play it onto one of the general discard piles; only the top card in any pile may be played.
The rules for the personal draw pile: only the top card may be turned over and it can only be played into the general discard piles. When the top card is played, the next card may be turned over and played.
Kings are wild.
There are 4 general discard piles in the center of the table. Any player may play into the general discard piles from either their personal hands, their personal discard piles, or their personal draw piles during their turn. The discard piles must go in order from Ace to Queen (A,2,3,...J,Q), but they are not suit sensitive. When a pile has reached Queen it is removed and the space starts over at Ace. There can only ever be 4 piles. The piles are started by a player with an Ace so it may take a few turns before the general discard piles get started at the beginning of the game.
Play moves in a clockwise motion. The person to the left of the dealer plays first. At the beginning of each turn the player must draw enough cards from the general draw pile so that they have 5 in their hand. The player may play as many cards as s/he can from his/her hand, personal draw pile, and/or personal discard piles into the general discard piles. If s/he is able to play all 5 of the cards in his/her hand s/he may draw 5 more. When the player has no more moves s/he can or wants to play, s/he discards one card into his/her personal discard piles and play moves to the next person.
The winner is the first to get rid of their personal draw pile.
So my family plays the game a little differently than the other answer.
The object of the game is to get rid of the player's personal draw pile.
2 players
Use 2 full decks, including jokers.
Game Set up:
Shuffle 1 deck including its jokers and place it in the middle of the table. This is the general draw pile.
Divide the other deck into 2 piles. One pile will be red while the other will be black. Ensure each pile has 1 Joker Shuffle each individual pile and set them to the left and right sides of the deck you placed in the middle of the table. After you do that then each player decides if they want Red or Black. (the color you choose is the pile you are working to get rid of). Once each player chooses a color you then flip the top card on your pile. Whoever has the highest card from 2 to Q goes first. If the top card is an Ace, Joker or King it is immediately played. And the top card of that pile is reflipped. Then whoever has the highest card goes first.
Start of the game:
Once the first player is decided then that player picks up 5 cards from the full deck that was placed in the middle of the table ( this is the draw pile). If they can play a card they do so. If not they discard 1 card into one of their 4 discard piles. It works the same as the previous answer:
Each player also has 4 spaces into which they discard one card at the end of each hand. The rules governing these personal discard piles are: a player may not move a card from one pile to another, once you place a card onto a pile the only way it can be moved is to play it onto one of the general discard piles; only the top card in any pile may be played.
The rules for the personal draw pile: (The black or red pile you chose)
Only the top card may be turned over and it can only be played into the general discard piles. When the top card is played, the next card may be turned over and played.
Kings and Jokers are wild.
Aces must be played immediately (You can not hold onto them)
If there are no Aces on the table that can be built on you may then use a wild card as an Ace as long as you only have wild cards in your hand.
Wild cards can not be discarded into your discard piles
There is no limit to the general discard piles in the center of the table. Any player may play into the general discard piles from either their personal hands, their personal discard piles, or their personal draw piles during their turn. The discard piles must go in order from Ace to Queen (A,2,3,...J,Q), but they are not suit sensitive. When a pile has reached Queen it is removed and the space starts over at Ace. The piles are started by a player with an Ace so it may take a few turns before the general discard piles get started at the beginning of the game.
Since this is a 2 player version, the next person goes after the other player discards into their personal discard pile. At the beginning of each turn the player must draw enough cards from the general draw pile so that they have 5 in their hand. The player may play as many cards as s/he can from his/her hand, personal draw pile, and/or personal discard piles into the general discard piles. If s/he is able to play all 5 of the cards in his/her hand s/he may draw 5 more. When the player has no more moves s/he can or wants to play, s/he discards one card into his/her personal discard piles and play moves to the next person.
The winner is the first to get rid of their personal draw pile.
Note: As needed shuffle the piles from A to Q to replenish the general draw pile. Since this game uses 2 decks the general draw pile will slowly get larger as the game goes on.
There is not a card game called og. There is one called OG Planet Game Card that is available to play.
On facebook you can play online UNO card game.
The duration of Homewrecker is 1440.0 seconds.
Homewrecker ended on 2005-12-18.
Homewrecker was created on 2005-10-30.
Euchre is the card game that George plays in chapter 3.
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Card game.
You either download a card game widget, or you direct your browser to an online card game.
Sweet Homewrecker was created in 1996-05.
By playing it
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