waiting for you
Well, the question says how to mahe 3 words, not to give 3 words so th answer is... AAH!!! I HAVE A HEAD ACHE!!! Dont try it!!!! It is TORTURE!!!
270 words
The letters "nifpoix" can make the following words:Two-letter wordsifinofonopThree-letter wordsfinpinpoxFour-letter words
You can make the word salary
Some seven letter words that can be made with those letters are:preceptprefectprofusepurposerefocusrefutesrespectscepterspecterstepperstoppersupport
i could only find three
The following words can be made:Mayflower (this is a full anagram - using all the letters)FloweryFlamerFormalLawyerMoraleWarmlyEarlyFlameFlareFlyerFoamyFoyerLayerLeafyLowerMayorMolarRealmRoyalWaferWeary
kit, ok
how many words can you make out of the following letters l,g,n,e,a
The following words can be made from the same letters as 'tinsel'listensilentenlistinlets