if you have a v4, then avoid snacks.
when your tamas unhappy, try to avoid snacks and mostly play games. this will keep it from gaining a lot of weight.
also play jumping rope A LOT!! if you get to 30 then you lose about 3 lbs. if you get to around 20-25 then you lose 2 lbs.
keep doing this. it might sound like it takes a long time but after you do this 5 times, you should have lost anywhere to 10-15 lbs (if your good).
no but you can to it to its job or play games like jump rope or flag
Yes, and no. You lose the other two characters.
it should be 30-36 if it is over wight then play a game and it will lose wight
Well to tell you tell you the truth, there is no way to get back an expired Tamagotchi. If you do lose one though i recommend either restarting the Tamagotchi system or buy Tamagotchi Famalitchi so if you have little Tama kids you don't have to worry about your Tama being all alone.
play games with it alot and make it eat things that give less weight. --mewMew
To make it lose weight, you should just play games with it. If you win the whole game, then it loses 3lb. As for their average weight, they vary depending on the characters/gender, but it's generally 10-15 for toddlers, 15-20 for teenagers and 20-30 for adults. The lighter weights are usually the females.
It will turn into any tamagotchi depending on the way that you raise it
No, but you can lose weight.