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Signs You Might be a RedneckHere are what WikiAnswers lively contributors have to say:
  • You may be a redneck if you are capable of rebuilding your old Chevy carburetor while sitting on the toilet.
  • You might be a redneck if you've been married three times and still have the same in-laws.
  • You might be a redneck if the people on The Jerry Springer Show remind you of your neighbors.
  • You might be a redneck if your new patio furniture used to be your living room furniture.
  • You might be a redneck if you mow your lawn and find a car.
  • You might be even more of a redneck if you see the car as your horse is mowing the lawn.
  • You might be a redneck if your hobby is burping the national anthem


You might be a redneck if you practice the religion of Jeff Foxworthyism, Larry the Cable Guyism, NASCARism, Budwiserism, or Hee Hawism (or all 5).

You might be a redneck if your outdoor decor consists of: a toilet, a fridge stocked with two empty Billy Beer cans from 1970 something, a 19 year old hound named Roscoe tied to a tree with an electrical extension cord, and an old car motor.

You night be a redneck if your home has more miles on it than your car!

New Answer:

If you stare at a carton of Orange Juice because it said 'concentrate' you might be a redneck.

If your wedding dress consists of an orange tank top and a black skirt and your husband is dressed in a harley-Davidson t-shirt, you might be a redneck.

If you are reading this and can't understand a word I'm saying, you most definitely might be a redneck.

If you have lived with your girlfriend for 10 years and still don't know her name so you call her 'woman' to pretend you do, you are, without a doubt, a redneck!

Well, If you live in a certain state, have a sofa in front of your house, watching or being like the Dukes of Hazard, Your political views


If you have to unplug your house to run your power tools, you might be a redneck.

If you mount everything you kill from a deer to a fly, you might be a redneck.

if you have dated your cousin more than three times, you might just be a redneck.

If you bought five more guns and a house camera when Obama was elected president, you either a genius or a redneck.

If you think the people on Hee-haw are high-class, you might be a redneck.

If you pickup your date for a prom in a pickup truck, wearin coveralls, you might be a redneck.

If you think langerie is some boxers and a night shirt you might be a redneck.

If you think that Ryan Seacrest isn't gay, you definitely AREN'T a redneck.

if you point with your lips, your definitely a brownneck. Navajo Indian.

You might be a redneck if ...

...You're doorbell looks like a deer's butt. thought that the nutcracker was something that you did off the highdive. have to visit the penetentury to see your mama. can burp the entire corus of 'jingle bells'. have a sunburn on you neck.

...You think the last words to The Star Spangled Banner are "Gentlemen, start your engines."

...A full moon reminds you of your mother-in-law pullin' weeds.

...More than one living relative is named after a Southern Civil War general.

...You've been married three times and still have the same in-laws.

...Your house still has the "WIDE LOAD" sign on the back.

...You think that a "WIDE LOAD" is a 300 lb. fat man in a thin woman's baithing suit... ...or a thong.

You ARE a redneck if... marry your cousin. have a broken fridge or washer on your porch?

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one way to tell is if they leave there shopping cart in the parking lot instead of puting it were it belongs

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The definition of a redneck warrior is someone with a red mullet, a double barreled or 12 gauged shotgun who has had quite a few beers.

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No, you are not a redneck if you train dogs in your head. What's the difference if you train them in your backyard, or in a field. Being someone who helps her friends train dogs, i train them in my house and i don't think i am even close to a redneck... hope that helps!:)

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head check? (you know, like a head count)

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I don't believe anyone says that. If someone did, it would probably be a redneck. I don't really think this is a valid question.

What is the opposite of calling someone a Yankee -?

Call them a Confederate, or a Redneck. After all, the Yankees won the war!

What does flat lying cur dog mean?

It's a redneck way of calling someone a liar

How can you become a redneck?

you cant become a redneck you have to be born into it. but we all have a little redneck in us.

How do you define a Redneck?

Jeff Foxworthy has come up with a careers worth of "you might be a redneck" jokes but they don't really tell the story. The term "redneck" used to imply someone who worked outdoors for a living and had a sunburned neck. To many these days it means someone who cherishes his/her freedom, wants less interference from the government and more or less just wants to be left alone to take care of themselves and their family.

What do you have to do to be a redneck?

The term redneck originally just meant a farmer, whose neck got sunburned because he was out in the sun all day working in the field. Nowadays, a redneck means an ignorant person, usually from the Southern US. A redneck is believed to be someone who owns a pickup truck, has hunting dogs, owns several rifles (which are stored in a rack in the truck), drinks a lot of cheap beer, and does stupid things. The joke goes like this: What was the last thing the redneck said? "Hey y'all, watch this!"

When did Redneck Rampage happen?

Redneck Rampage happened in 1997.