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In version 2.5 or older, you'll need to save your game after bonding with and securing a mate, then return to the splash/title screen. From there, click 'Single Player' and under continue, click 'Slough Creek'. You'll then be able to load a completed Amethyst Mountain save.

In version 2.7 and newer, after bonding with and securing a mate, a star will appear on your compass and a new zone will appear near the Lamar Overlook wolf territory. Upon entering this zone, you will be prompted to migrate to Slough Creek. Note that you can't migrate from Lost River to Slough Creek. (This would defeat the purpose of the Amethyst Mountain level, hence why the team did not make this possible.)

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1. Take your mate and find a den

2. Raise your pups as normal wolves would

3. Compete with rivals

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Q: How do you go to slough creek in wolf quest?
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How do i download wolf quest slough creek?

u dont dowload it. its already in the game. u have to beat the first part then u can play slough creek. to beat first part go to each wolf territory once and encounter a wolf and then once thats done go to a random pack and find a dispersal wolf opposite ur wolfs gender and be nice to it and name it then its ur mate. then save game. then go to main menu like ur gonna select a save file and load ur file then click slough creek

What are the quests in WolfQuest?

in wolf quest 1 the quest is to find a mate, but afther you do so theres not much to do but hunt or play multi player. in wolf quest 2 wich has not come out yet you have to make a pack and protect it train your pups hunt and keep your pack from getting killed umm that's it Quest 1 : Find a mate Quest 2 Slough Creek: Train your pups, feed your pups, take them on a journey, and make sure they are not killed. Slough Creek Quest 2 is now out! Go the Wolf Quest website to download it.

How do you make a territory in WolfQuest?

you have to go onto slough creek single player on wolf quest. Then you need to choose a den.Next you have to mark your territory by pressing the p button on your key board.You can only mark your territory in single player in slough creek though. Hope this helps :)

How many downloads are there for Wolf Quest?

Go to to download. [first sign up] You then have it on your computer. To start you go to new game and press Ameythest Mountain. Can't do Slough Creek though.

For wolf quest what to do after and how to find a mate?

after finding a mate you save your game and press the Escape key. click the new game button and when you get to the main screen you go to single player again. Click the slough creek button and go to the wolf you want to play as

Can you have pups in WolfQuest 2?

is there a wolf quest 2?yesyou can have pups and if you'd like go to watch the preview video of episode 2 slough creek ---animelovergirl404---

Where can you get a black wolf in AQW?

go to willow creek and do the bone quest

How do you mate on wolfquest slough creek?

you cant mate on slough creek. you have to mate on amethyst mountain which is the first episode or wolfquest. then you can use that file to go on slough creek. hope this helps :)

How do you mate with female on wolf quest?

First you must find a mate. then go to slough creek. then you must pee ALL over. then you will be able to mate Well i do the same thing nothing happens all she wants to do is fight or be ther boss

What is the second quest for WolfQuest?

The second wolf quest is about getting a pack and having pups. You can name and rear your pups. The second area is Called Slough Creek. It's very good.You can mark your territory and make a den. Log on to WolfQuest's website to download Wolf Quest Survival of the Pack.The third wolf quest will be better. it will have weather changes and night time and day time. You can go in to the dens too. Coming 2011. Have Fun!WolfQuest 2.5 is out now! YAY

Were the find a den in slough creek in wolf quest?

If you don't have terrible lag, try Bison Creak/ w/e it was called. The only trouble in BC is you have to go through the river. The den is near the little yellow bushes and you should see a tree and a little hump.

Is there a glitch to go to Slough Creek before you finish Amethyst Mountain in Wolfquest?

Yes, There Is! Here's How! 1. Open Wolfquest (Windowed) 2. Click "Multiplayer" 3. Click "Slough Creek" 4. Click "Go Back" 5. Click "Single Player" 6. Click "New Game" 7. Make Your Wolf 8. Click "Play Game" There You Go! Have Fun In Slough Creek, You Cheaters:) (Sorry if it doesnt work for some people. It should work, though :D)