You can't. Small sets are only a few bucks anyway. But sometimes at Toys R Us they have special events to make a free LEGO model of something depending on the time of the year. The LEGO stores also do these too, once a month. Find more information at Customer Service: Store Locator.
Lego Club is a free society that is available to anyone for free! Check it out on the Lego website and receive monthly magazines for free!
You can go to the lego website and report missing parts and get the lego set number you want and put it in and free legos i did this myself
This is what you are looking for. It has free shipping with purchases over $75. It is There is also -
You can't really get a free membership on Lego Universe, however you can sign up for free and become a non-member from the Lego Universe site.
you cant get it for free.
Go onto the Lego universe website and there is an option for free play made. All you need is a free lego account and you're all set!
carlus alves is a Lego fan
in the Lego packet have you looked there or is it lost?
There is no website that you get it for free
you can't get him for free.
You can't. :( Lego is very stingy with their Legos.
no. see "Can you test Lego Universe free?"