The webkin park, or "Kinzville Park" is currently not open. You can find it on the Things To Do menu, but a pop up window will appear saying that it is under construction.
Kinzville Park should be open soon, and according to the Kinzville Times (Webkinz World's Newspaper) it will be like the clubhouse, but 20 times bigger! At this time we do not know what to expect, so check back often in Webkinz World to see when the park is open.
You can go on to and click on Store Locator at the bottem of your sern Great internet Source is
in the park
find out your self
it will be open when there is less than 30 webkinz in the park you have to wait until someone leaves
You must buy a Webkinz that is considered an Adventure Park Pet. You have adopted them [b]after[/b] they were declared adventure park pets.
In the floating doc. Salley Cat stands right in front of it!
The cow in Webkinz is never in the Kinzville Park because no one with a cow went to the Kinzville Park. Maybe a cow HAS been there and you missed it.
You just walk there.
No, there isn't. You can go to the Kinzville Park in Webkinz World and play on those playsets.
they swim in pools u can buy at the W shop or in the park pools
k to pick up trash just go to kinzville park and look.
you dig