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I have before, on my v4 and v4.5. It can also be done on the v3. Go to and just search D-Best's tamagotchi cheats. You can get up to 9,900 points at a time for free. It's really easy, too! FRom wertyiu102: On v6, music star, when you grow up a tama called guitaritchi comes to your door and gives you points. Once i got 10 million! and once i got two million.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Play the games.

P.S. the games icon is the fourth one on all of the tama versions. :)

on V6 playing games does not earn money-while you are a baby/child/teenager the tamagotchi king will come once a day and give you 2000 gotchi points, the points cannot be transfered from the website to your tamagotchi though

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How do you earn CD experience points on tamagotchi music city?

you play the games that are located around the city

What are Tamagotchi life points?

The points of life that the tamagotchi has. if it is gone your tamagochi dies!

What do you do with tamagotchi points in tama town?

Tamagotchi points are like money but in tamagotchi form when you log out of tamatown the money you've earned is given to your tamagotchi which can be spent at the "shop" icon in your tamagotchi toy :pHOPED I HELPED?!?!?!:

What does the boutique do on tamagotchi music star?

Boutique is like a clothes store. It's a good item. You can earn free gotchi points and you can use as many times as you want. however, some times no costumers will come, so you will not earn gotchi points.

What is the limit of Tamagotchi points?

999 Gotchi Points

Does anyone Know where to get tamagotchi v6 music star instructions?

When you're a teenager, your music school teacher will come and give you a present. Inside will be a instrument, it will randomly chose for you. You can also get instruments from tamatown, but you need gotchi points (points earn on tamatown, not in tamagotchi music star) to buy the instrument.

How do you get intellagince points for your tamagotchi?

Play Games!

Tamagotchi v4 mail?

Yes you can get mail, and get things like money from the king, robbers, snakes, poop, and hearts. The star is points you earn. And the exclamation mark is for important events.

How do you make you tamagotchi version 5 rich?

Play games. That's how you earn money. Play lots of games.

Where do you get trophy in Tamagotchi v4 site?

At the tamagotchi bank.You might get it by getting more than 200 points.

How do you get items on tamagotchi music city?

You buy them with your points. You get your points by playing games.

How do you raise your tamagotchi's humor?

Since you are talking about Humor points, I am assuming you have a tamagotchi v4.5. If your tamagotchi is a child, it can only gain points randomly; you can't influence which skill point it will receive. If it is a teen or older, it can raise Humor points by playing apple. Playing shapes will increase gorgeous points, and playing manhole raises spiritual points.