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Key: A= Left Button

B= Middle Button

C= Right Button

When you have a clear screen with just your Tamagotchi on it and no Menu selected, press 'B'. The screen will move to one side and you can see the time. To set the time/date press buttons 'A' & 'C' at the SAME TIME.

Note: If you set the time between 8pm and 9am your Tamagotchi will be sleeping.

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14y ago
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14y ago

when your done preschool, you will get a letter and leave preschool then you get another letter and when the turtle teacher comes press A button ( the first button) then the flower teacher is there and press it again your get another teacher. Hope This Helps :)

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14y ago

When your Tama is growing up, it will go from baby to child to teen to adult, and if your adult Tama doesn't get married, it will become an old-timer. The only way your Tama can change its appearance is with age, so take good care of it!

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15y ago

if you want it to be good take care of it well.if you want it bad dont make it happy

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15y ago

It's random. You can not change the gender, the gender is randomly generated when you have an egg.

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15y ago

sorry, there is no way to get them to evolve, but you can speed things up by playing TONS of games, keeping them healthy, and NEVER PUT THEM ON PAUSE

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15y ago

Unscrew your tamagotchi then unscrew the 4 other very small screws you will see a small circle press this 8times there you can choose what tamagotchi you want.

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Q: How do you change your time on your tamagotchi?
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about a DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but if you change the time to 11:59p.m and wait for it to be 12:00a.m and then change time to 12:00a.m it should wake him up................. it worked for me

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the costume will come off when he go's to sleep if you don't want to wait that long then change the time to the time he go's to bed then change it back

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make sure you have the clock on (by pressing b) then press A & C not a and b :)

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it will wake up automatically, but you can change the timer on it to an earlier time of day, (like 10 am).

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make the time go faster. change the days when you press the center button, then press the a,b buttons together at the same time.