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Q: How do you ask a question of Philip Adler of NY Times?
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The funny thing about superstitions is that they are real because you make them real. If you believe that it is unlucky to ask a magic 8-ball the same question four times, then it is unlucky for you to ask a magic 8-ball the same question four times.

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How do I ask a question

What is a filter question?

A filter question is a question you ask in order to determine if the person you're speaking to is a candidate for another question. For Example. You want to know how many times someone has gone hiking, in order to ask this question, you may ask a filter question first of "Have you ever gone hiking?".

How many times does 7 go into 88?

B0p00itch give me the answer. I ask for a answer not a question bi0l0tch

How many times does an average person ask a question in a day?

too many times especially when you are curious

Would Alfred Adler would say you are what you eat?

no he would ask you why you chose that over somthing else

What is filter questions?

A filter question is a question you ask in order to determine if the person you're speaking to is a candidate for another question. For Example. You want to know how many times someone has gone hiking, in order to ask this question, you may ask a filter question first of "Have you ever gone hiking?".

What is the most fequently ask question?

what shall i do now? u think how many times a day people ask them selfs this question, or the 1 worded question that doesent have a perticular catagory, its just plain (why? )