The use Braille
You could say darkness, or shadows.
It could be possible it depends on the person
The only way to do so is to ask them.
A person could always help a deaf or blind person who may be struggling in public. Businesses can also be more aware of disabilities and provide more TTY services and large-print services.
A symbol that represents a deaf and blind person could be a combination of the sign language symbol for "deaf" and Braille characters for "blind," perhaps overlapping or intertwined to visually convey both conditions.
Information that could be used to identify a person includes full name, date of birth, social security number, driver's license number, passport number, email address, and physical address. This information can be used individually or in combination to uniquely identify an individual.
There is no scientific reason for burps to taste like plastic. It could be because a person used plastic utensils while they were eating and burped.
A blind person may need assistance from a trusted individual to complete an iris recognition test. This individual can guide the blind person through the process and help ensure the test is completed accurately. Additionally, some iris recognition systems offer accessibility features such as voice guidance to assist individuals with visual impairments.
The deaf person could use tactile sign language to communicate with the blind person by signing the news on their hands. Alternatively, they could use a communication tool such as a braille message or text-to-braille software to convey the information. Gestures and facial expressions could also be used to indicate the sad news.