

Best Answer

to make it you will need...

Star Wars imperial officer hat

any head

clone trooper pads

and any cool torso you like!

and just put them together

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Q: How can you make a Custom Lego Samurai?
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How do you make a Lego pot helmet?

Buy a custom.

Is Ninjago similar to LEGO system Samurai?

yes it is Lego system samurai is the old version of ninjago first look up a picture of ninjago then look up a picture of Lego system samurai and see the resembalance between them

How can you make a LEGO custom clone?

take a Lego clone,pemanant markers. Put WHATEVER design on it that u want.

How do you make custom Lego Nazis?

You can paint them yourself, or look for a seller online.

How make samurai in empire earth?

depend on which version you are playing samurai is an additional army which added by one of the custom patch maker install omega patch 1.3 u will get samurai

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Is LEGO going to make LEGO Naruto?

They're are NO Lego Naruto sets. However, their are people around that make custom naruto minifigures.

Where can you find a LEGO Sherman tank?

Unless you make it yourself, Lego Sherman tank does not exist. eBay is a great place to buy custom Lego models though.

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Can you make a custom character in Lego Pirates of the Caribbean?

Yes you can because i watched a video about it

Where can you buy a LEGO custom gunship?

The best sites to purchase custom Lego sets, is from either Firestar or eBay.