

How can you get papule?

Updated: 11/21/2022
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Q: How can you get papule?
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Is a pimple is an example of a papule?

a papule is a raised red spot on the skin surface

What is an example of papule?

An example of a papule is a pimple or acne lesion that appears as a raised, small, solid bump on the skin. Papules can be red, pink, or skin-colored and are often tender to the touch.

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What is the scientific word for bump?

The scientific word for bump is "papule."

What is the first symptom of yaws?

The area where the bacteria originally entered the skin becomes a noticeable bump (papule). The papule grows larger and develops a punched-out center (ulcer), covered with a yellow crust.

What is papular?

refers to papules. A papule is an area of abnormal skin tissue

What are some of the possible symptoms of having a papule?

The main symtpom of having a papule is seeing a raised area on one's skin such as on one's nose. One can also experience itching, redness, and even some pain.

What is the medical term meaning raised bump on the skin without pus or liquid?

A papule is a small solid circumscribed elevation of the skin that does not contain pus. An example is a red pimple (not a blackhead or whitehead) or wart.

Which type of skin cancer appears as a scaly reddened papule and tend to grow rapidly and metastasize?

squamous cell carcinoma

What is the correct name for a zit?

The medical term is "papule" or "pustule" but most people use "pimple" or "acne" (for more than one pimple).

What are the symptoms of cutaneous larva migrans?

In more severe cases, a red elevation of the skin (papule) appears within a few hours after the larvae have penetrated the skin.

What is the different between primary and secondary lesions?

primary lesion is a macule, papule, pustlie, vesicle secondary lesion is a ulcer, crust, scar, skin atrophy, excoriation