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The cowboys horse was named Friday

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Q: How Went in Friday left town on Friday?
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How did a man and his horse went to town on Friday and came back on Friday?

He has a horse named Monday or Friday.

A cowboy WALKS into town on Friday he stays 3 days and leaves on Friday how did he do it Remember I said WALKS into town?

If he walks into town on Friday and leaves three days later on Friday, that means that he got there by foot coming into town and left town on a horse named Friday.

a girl went to town on Friday she rode a horse anyways she stays there for three days and on Fridayhow did she do it?

her horse was named friday

What is an example of a mindtrap question?

1).Q- A man went into town on friday, he stayed in a hotel for three days, and then left on friday. How is this possible? 2).Q- What is unwanted by the maker, not used by the buyer, and never seen by the user? 1).A- His horses name is Friday 2).A- A coffin

Who made a cowboy left to town on Friday and stays for 3 days and leavs on Friday?

frank cohee made that riddel

A cowboy rode into town on Monday he stayed three days then left on Thursday how did he do it?

The circumstances you describe never said he stayed in town for the entire week. He rode into town on Tuesday and spent Tuesday day and night in town, *walked* out Wednesday and spent Wednesday through Saturday on the dusty trail, *walked* back into town on Sunday for two days and nights and rode out on Tuesday.

A cowboy went to town for three days and came back on Sunday whats the answer?

The cowboy went to town on Wednesday, spent three days there (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday), and came back on Sunday.

If you ride in town on Thursday and you stay for three days and you leave on Friday how is that even possible?

aw come on, its the name of... his horse --------------------------------------------------------------He rode into a special town that only has 2 days per week. Friday and Saturday. Lucky twn. =(

A guy rode into town on Friday stayed for 1 day and his horse's name is pie he ate pie and stayed for 3 more days and left on Friday What is the answer to that joke?

His Horses Name Was Friday!!

Did Miley Cyrus left town and went to Tennessee?

because she got potato flakes on her cheeks

A man goes to town on Friday stays for 2 days and leaves again on Friday how is this possible?

He came to town on a horse whose name was "Friday"

If you leave Friday come back on Friday in three days. How is that possible?

This is possible if you leave Friday at midnight. Then, when you return three days later, it will still be Friday, and only a few minutes have passed into the day.