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The answer to this riddle is a doll.

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Q: Hands she has but does not hold teeth she has but cannot bite feet she has but they are cold eyes she has but without sight Who is she?
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Can wisdom teeth cause poor eye sight?

No, they cannot.

What rhymes with sight to do with smiles?

her teeth are a beautiful sight her smile was pearly white

What is the rising action in the forest of hands and teeth?

In "The Forest of Hands and Teeth" by Carrie Ryan, the rising action involves the protagonist, Mary, discovering dark secrets about her village, including the existence of the Unconsecrated (zombies) beyond the fences. As she unravels the truths about her world and her own desires, tensions rise among the villagers, leading to a climax that changes everything for Mary.

Is the forest of hands and teeth real?

No, it is not real.

Which creature born without teeth?

Humans are born without teeth.

Do squirrels use their hands to eat?

yes, squirrels use their hands and teeth to eat.

Do your front back teeth fall out?

yes they do and do not always look a pretty sight.

How do you eat an apple with out using your teeth or hands?

you dont.

What should you not do well washing your hands?

brush your teeth

How do you get gum off of your hands?

rink salt water for 30mseconds then brush your teeth

Can teeth that have come out expload?

Teeth that have come out cannot explode. There is no pressure built up inside of them to do so. Even teeth that are inside of the oral cavity cannot explode.

How do you open a present without using your hands?

You can use your teeth. You can let your dog chew it open. You can use your feet. You can hand it to someone else. You can also kick it until it brakes or even use a knife and not let the present not touch your hands!