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Say you had to visit a family member or friend because they felt sick and you had to check on them or say your alarm clock went of late.

Want more reasons? Try to think about a few. I've got atleast 7 more excuses but it would take forever to write them (all from my immagination)

Hope this helps :)

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13y ago

being late to....(school,home,work)

school....." i was a big traffic outside and it took a long time so im late,sorry"

work......." im sorry boss but, i didnt feel well so it sort of took me a long time to get here, sorry and i wont do it again"

home......" im sorry honey i was busy at (work or whatever place) so, it took me along time, im sorry"

tip: in the believing excuse always add in the sentence these pharses " im sorry (whoever), i wont do it again, trust me"

warning: these excuses dont always work but it really depends how good you can say your excuse and depends on the person if they trust you.

thx and welcome

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Q: Excuses for being late
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