goose egg - It doesn't mean "failure" so much as "no score" or "no results".
An algebraic expression contains one or more letters that stand for [numeric] variables.
Carbon- sixth element, contains six letters. Mars- fourth planet, contains four letters. Four- fourth number, contains four letters. Seven- seventh number, contains seven letters. September- ninth month, contains nine letters. Saturn- sixth planet, contains six letters. Fifth- fifth number, contains five letters.
The planet that has 9 letters in its name is "Neptune." Neptune is the eighth and farthest known planet from the sun in our solar system. It is a gas giant with a blue color due to the presence of methane in its atmosphere.
An expression is a collection of numbers and letters for example: 2a this is expression 2a+5b this is also expression.
"Evaluate the expression" means replace all the letters with their numericalvalues, and then see what number the whole expression works out to be.
The variables in such expressions are letters, or some other special symbol (for example, Greek letters, or a combination of letters) - in this case, it's "t".
represent the letters with numbers
A fifteen letter word that contains the letters atragiclostnoun is congratulations!!!
"the alp" contains 6 letters.