

Does the sound heard in water?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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16y ago

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Yes sound carries well in water, if you were to submerge your self in a lake for example you would hear the sounds of motor boats engines. In the sea a host of sounds can be heard. For me the most thrilling sound to hear was the sound of a pod of whales.

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Yes, sound can be heard underwater. The speed of sound in water is faster than in air, and it travels further due to water's denser molecular structure. Marine life and human divers use sound for communication and navigation beneath the surface.

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All types of sound - whether or not it can be heard by someone underwater is rather the question.

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Sound cannot be heard in a vacuum because sound waves require a medium, such as air or water, to travel through. In a vacuum, there is no medium for the sound waves to propagate, so they cannot be heard.

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