No it does not but the Longshots clips are capatible with that weapon.
no it comes with one
yes, its been for sale for around 2 years now.
The Recon shoots about 2 darts per second, running out of all 6 in the clip in 3 seconds.
TOYS "R" US does sell the refill clips BUT you wont find them online you would have to actually visit the store and check .. I have found 4 refill packs containing 2 clips and 10 streamline darts .. just make sure you check behind every Nerf item because people hide them for a later purchase .. I found all four on different occasions hidden behind other Nerf items including 2 scope mission kits. Good luck OH by the way I paid $10.99 for each pack
Nerf has made blasters such as the raider rapid fire cs-35,the Nerf dart tag fury fire, the yellow Nerf longshot, the red strike series of Nerf blasters (Nerf makes red Nerf blasters like the vulcan,recon,and longshot),and the Nerf n-force swords(thunder fury,shadow fury,and marauder long sword)which are all new for 2009.Its almost 2010 so Nerf's not going to have time to make any more models of blasters or swords before 2010.The only confirmed product of 2010 so far is the Nerf n-strike longstrike cs-6 which features a promising scope/sight,detachable barrel and possible stock which can hold 2 clips.2010 may come to give us the Nerf n-strike spartan ncs-12 or the Nerf n-strike stampede rev-8 or some type of Nerf bannet that attaches to tactical rails but these are only dreams, or are they?Nerf has a promising future is the years to come such as the semperfire rf-100 which fires 5 sonic miros a second but who knows if these will ever come to be.Those are some basic ideas of Nerf in the years to come.Who knows, when the n-strike raider rapid fire cs-35 was conceived it only had a standard clip (6 streamlines) and had a stock much like the recon but looked less sturdy.The only features were it loaded from the side and it had a pump, just like the longshot front gun. That's all for now.
I think there's only a laser on one nerf gun. and that's the recon. you have to put 1 or 2 AA batteries in then turn an orange switch on the side of the laser
Early 2007
three, 1. its expensive. 2. it lacks range 3. earlier models have unreliable clips
Undo the the screws on one side, there should be 12 on the body, 2 on the very back, 2 on the cocking mechanism, and be sure to cock it backwards to get access to a hidden screw.
The nerf clip flip system is a gray clip that holds 2 clips 6 or 18 (not drums)once you've shot all the darts in one clip just flip over.
The Barrel Break IX-2 has already come out and is available for purchase as of October 2010.
The next NERF guns to come out are the NERF LongStrike CS-6 and the NERF Deploy CS-6. The LongStrike is a longer weapon than the LongShot CS-6 and has a sleeker design with space in the stock for 2 clips and four tactical rails. The Deploy will be a flashlight/shotgun NERF that can make itself small with battery power. You can find out more about the LongStrike CS-6 here: and the Deploy CS-6 here: Hope this helps!