Someone giving you their reciept code is illegal. You have to buy a bear in order to get one.
Yes if you buy a build a bear ask the person on the counter where is my reciept code?
Don't ask other people for reciept codes, it's rude because they have paid for the items and got the code, and you are asking for one for free. If you want one buy items at Build A Bear Workshop.
If you have a reciept code go and see champ in the build a bear workshop at town square on the build a bear game. Champ is a white bear just click on him and he will ask you what you want you should then be able to figure out the rest on your own but if not click on the enter a reciept code button then get your reciept and type in the code at the bottom of the reciept it should then give you a gift or something cool for on the game! Hope i helped and add me I'm Imogensportsfan
i don't have a myepet code but i was asking if anyone had a free unused code i could have
If you mean Store Credits, then no. You can only get store credits by making a purchase at a local Build-a-Bear workshop then entering your reciept code.
Someone giving you their reciept code would be illegal. You'd have to buy it.
You go to the code place with champ and press "Get reciept".
usually on the reciept. it gives you a website and a code. :)
you first go to your local build a bear workshop. You adopt a bear (or any other animal) and you look at the reciept code at the bottom of the... well... reciept. lol. anyways, you can go to Buildabear cheats and a cheat is 446273992746236 you are welcome! if it doesent work then try 5572365395826372534 or72947266142539 :)!