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no but they do have them at mr toys toy world i got 1 from there!

Best thing is to telephone the shop.

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Q: Does Toys R Us in windsor have tamagotchi v6?
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Related questions

Where to find a tamagotchi v6?

at toys r us in times square at nyc at the corner of the barbie catsle

How do you make a tamagotchi?

you can buy v6's (music) tamagotchis at walmart, target, toys r us, e-bay

How do you get free tamagotchi v6 secret codes without buying the toys?

type in tamagotchi codes and you will get a vriety of people who now the enser.

Is tamagotchi v7 in Toys R Us now?

Not yet. In Japan, the current Tamagotchi is the Tamagotchi+Color, and we are at V6 (Music Star). The V6.5, or Music Star "World Tour Edition" will be here at the end of August, and we are predicting that the V7 will come out at the start of 2010. That's awesome, and what about the V7?

How can you send toys to your tamagotchi v6?

you get their item password and on your password screen press A, it asks ITEM PASSWORD? and you enter the code

How do you sign up for tamagotchi v6?

first ov buy tamagotchi v6, then go on to site then sign up and from then complete sign in. when u do have an id on PC you can get toys and music instruments to your toy. its v. fun :) good luck

How do you get your tamagotchi to for in love on v6?

i think your question is how do you get your tamagotchi to fall in love on v6 not how do you get your tamagotchi to for in love on v6 if it is how do you get your tamagotchi to fall in love i know it you have to buy a love potion and drink it but you need to be with somebody

How do you find a match maker on v6 tamagotchi?

On V6 Music Star Tamagotchi, about three days after being an adult the Band Manager will bring a mate for your tamagotchi. The Band Manager is the matchmaker on V6.

Is there a v6 tamagotchi?

yes, it is.

Where can you get V6 tamagotchis?

i bought mine at toys r us.

Can you connect a V4.5 tamagotchi with a V6 tamagotchi?

only if one is an oldie or both

Where do you enter your passwords for your tamagotchi v6?

from PC belive me a owned 400 tamagotchi