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Q: Did ole kirk christainsen crate any other inventions?
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Who is mr. ole kirk christainsen?

He is the creator of what we know of as LEGO today. In the present day, his son is the CEO of the company.

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According to the inventor, Martin Cooper, Capt. Kirk (Star Trek) talking through his "communicator" inspired him to invent the mobile phone.

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No. Kirk has a clause in his film contracts that he will not kiss any other woman except for his wife Chelsea. That's who he kisses in the last scene in the movie Fireproof.

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Kirk Hinrich goes by Captain Kirk.

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Kirk Hammett goes by The Ripper, and Kirk Hampster.

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LEGOs were created by Ole Kirk Christiansen and his son Godtfred Kirk Christansen.

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Vincent Kirk's birth name is Brian Vincent Kirk.

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Ellis Kirk's birth name is Ellis Edwin Kirk.

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