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It may be an absess. See a dentist because you can get sick from an absess.

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Q: Could a lump on the gums that swells and retreats from time to time be cancer?
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How does chewing tobacco affect the mouth?

you can get tumors and cancer on your tongue and gums. they can surgically remove your tongue, the muscles in your neck, and parts of your gums if the cancer spreads far enough.

Could you have cancer if your dentist wants to do a biopsy on your gums because they have a purple color to them and it is spreading?

Oral cancers look more like ulcers, or even white plaques. It is less usual for an oral cancer to be on the gums and to have a purple colour. See the Related Links for "Oral Cancers" to the bottom for the answer.

You have these slimy strings coming from the inside of your mouth and your gums are swollen an sensative what could this be?

It is cancer of the saliva glands. The cancer cells are progressing to the third stage and the saliva has turned into what appears to be strings. The strings are actually cancerous growths being excreted from the glands under the tounge and between the gums and teeth. You probably also have small pin sized holes in your teeth as part of the cancer.

Does dip cause cancer?

yes it does. all over your lips/gums/tongue.

How do i know i have Cancer?

Excess swelling of the lips or gums. Irregular lumps in the mouth. Unexplained excessive bleeding of the gums. Discolored patches or spots on the inside of the mouth.

What is the health consequence for teens who use tobacco?

anything from black gums to lung cancer

What are three places where smokeless tobacco causes cancer?

gums tongue .. not sure where else ..

How do I know if I have mouth cancer?

Excess swelling of the lips or gums. Irregular lumps in the mouth. Unexplained excessive bleeding of the gums. Discolored patches or spots on the inside of the mouth.

What disease is associated with bleeding gums?

Several diseases have bleeding gums as a symptom. The most common diseases would be periodontitis, gingivitis, or gum disease. It is important to rule these out before you go on to looking for more exotic causes of bleeding gums. See a good dentist. Pregnancy can cause bleeding gums, as can birth control pills. This has to do with fluctuating hormone levels. In fact, almost any hormone therapy can cause bleeding gums. Certain anti-seizure medications such as dilantin can cause bleeding gums. Bleeding gums can be associated with certain vitamin deficiencies, such as vitamin C or vitamin K. The latter indicates a problem with the liver. Alcoholism can be a source of bleeding gums. Cancer or cancer treatments can cause bleeding gums. See a dentist and rule out the most common sources of bleeding gums first.

What does it mean if large painful white holes appear in the back of your gums on both sides?

Oral Cancer

Tobacco chewing and snuff dipping can cause the gums to?

Recede, bleed and possibly even develop cancer.

Yellow teeth cause cancer so be smart and do what?

Yellow teeth is not proven to cause cancer. People should be smart however, and take care of their teeth and gums.