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yes, but some older versions may not.

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Q: Can your tamagotchi give other tamagotchis gifts?
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How do tamagotchis give other tamagotchis gifts?

you just keep connecting with the other tamagotchi but first hit the book on your tama hit present and click on what you want to send then keep connecting with the other tamagotchi until it gives it the present

Where can you find a website that has all the passwords for the tamagotchi?

To get a lot of cheats for all of the versions, go to and on the right-hand bottom side, click on Tamagotchis. It will give you cheats for V2-V4.5.

How do you get my tamagotchi a friend on a v4?

First find a friend/person with a tamagotchi v4. then you must go on the fifth icon and click VER.4 and choose one of the options. Game: you play a random game. Visit: you go to chosen person/friends tamagotchis house to visit. Then there is Present: You choose one of the wraped presents and you give it to the chosen friend. then your friend must do the same and you connect your two tamagotchis by the red bit at the top. (infra-red connection) Then the chosen activity will happen on the tamagotchis! (points will be awarded to the winner of games)

Does your tamagotchi give birth?

a female tamagotchi marries with a male tamagotchi and the female tamagotchi will have a large belly . and if the female tamagotchi cant hold more longer than it will give birth.

Why do you give gifts to each other at Christmas?

you give people gifts because the wise men gave gifts to Jesus

Why don't Egyptians give out gifts?

Egyptians do give each other gifts; whoever told you otherwise is misinformed.There is no law or directive saying being Egyptian - or any other nationality - you must give out gifts.

What are the holidays other than Christmas and Valentine's Day to give gifts?

Which are the holidays, other than Christmas and Valentine's Day to give gifts?

Why do you give each other gifts at Christmas?

The wise men brought gifts to Jesus after His birth.

What does mystery gift do?

Mystery Gift lets you receive gifts from other players and it lets you give gifts to other players.

What people give each other.?

People give each other gifts, among many other things.

How do you kill a tamagotchi?

Tamagotchis will die if their owner abandons them, doesn't feed them or give them any attention, or if you lose them. You can always reset them, if you want to play again though!!

How do you make a tamagotchi music star go online?

go on to tamagotchhi town and hit log in as tamagotchi then go into pc on the tamagotchi and it will give you a log in code type in the code to the computer and your tamagotchi will be on the screen.