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Yes, you can use a normal mice ball for Zhu Zhu pets, just be careful not to get the pet stuck in the hole of the ball.

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Q: Can you use a normal mice ball for zhu zhu pets?
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What are the Principal parts of a mechanical mouse?

The principal parts of a mechanical mouse are left and right buttons, rotating ball and scroll button. Instead of a rotating ball, optical mice use light to move the cursor.

What are the advantages and disadvantages between an optical mouse and a ball mouse?

The laser of the optical mouse may bounce off certain colors and shapes on a mouse pad. * There are no disadvantages to a optical mouse. The optical mouse just works better and smoother than the ball mouse, and you never have to worry about the ball getting dirty or hanging. I would suggest getting an optical mouse and throwing the ball mouse away. For this you definitly need the opinion of someone who has to sufffer the ball mouse at least once a week. ie: School pupils. I have two IT lessons a fortnight, and at our school you have a choice between overly chunky optical mice or cheap, way too light ball mice. I end up tolerating the ball mice as I am very picky about my mice. I, personally like mice with a bit of weight on them, but the thick plastic outer of the school's optical mice is ridiculous. Generally, schools don't provide pupils with mousemats on the theory that they will be nicked/tooexpensive, so the only way to get the ball mice to operate in a friendly manner is to clean it before use, or use your science book as a substitute mousemat. The moral of this long-winded story is:

What size ball should you get if you are a novice?

It has to be assumed that you are referring to purchase of a cue ball. There are no choices for cue ball size for normal play. The larger cue ball is intended only for use on coin operated tables.