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no you can not, my nan still loves them!!

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Q: Can you ever get to old for stuffed animals if you can what age?
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Can you ever be to old for stuffed animals if you can what is the age?

I don't know what age but I think you can have 1 up the 15

At what age do most girls consider themselves too old for stuffed animals?

The mental and physical age of a child differs from case to case. However, most girls have started the process of moving away from stuffed animals around the age of ten.

What are some items a 10-year-old can collect?

buttons, cards, stuffed animals, etc

What are some good presents for a ten year old girl other then stuffed animals?

barby dolls

Should 12 yr old girls still sleep with stuffed animals?

it is absoulutly fine to have stuffed animals at the age of 12 , you dont need to grow up so fast , anyone who makes fun of you just ignore them and think to yourself '' i dont need to grow up'' just havefun and enjoy being a kid , never lasts forever :) x

What age do you get to old for stuffed animals?

Girl - 18 Boy - 15 So, I still have some stuff animals. Some you never throw away because they are so special to you. I still have mine from when I was a kid. My grandpa gave it to me before he died. Im never giving that away

How old is Pooh Bear in his movie?

Pooh is a stuffed animal come to life as seen when his seam rips and he's "stuffed with fluff". He was never 'born', therefore he has no age.

Is it Normal to Sleep or hold Stuffed Animals with Depression for Teenagers?

sure, I mean my sister does and she is 13 years old.

What should you get a 9 yr old tomgirl for Christmas that isn't expensive?

well i really get like luma stuffed animals for him

What toys were played with in the 1930s by 5 year old children?

tinker toys Chineese checkers dolls stuffed animals

Is build-a-bear toys for girls only?

Well, the majority of kids that get a stuffed animal at Build-A-Bear Workshop are girls but some guys do get stuffed animals there. But it kind of depends on what age you are if you're a boy. Boys the age of about eight years old and younger shouldn't be embarrassed to get a bear. Some teens go to BABW but the reasons could be that he's buying one for his girlfriend. So,it's okay to get a stuffed animal if you're male. No one will make fun of you.

Did Henry aron ever died?

yes of old age yes of old age