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Q: Can a overuse of a rubik's cube hurt your wrists?
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What kinds of restraints can I use on someone and not hurt their wrists?

The kinds of restraints one can use on someone and not hurt their wrists in most situations include handcuffs, fetters and straight jackets. Other restraints that are less likely to hurt someone's wrists include a wrist cuff to chain invention and certain ways ropes are tied.

Do handcuff hurt?

handcuffs hurt. if you don't get in trouble you won't have red rings around your wrists & they're swolen

Did Michael Jackson slit his wrist?

No, he once said he would slit his wrists before he'd hurt a child, but he never actually did it.

Which way do emo's cut?

not all emo's slitt their wrists , that's a stereotype. Emo is just a name of a style. I don't slitt my wrists , But i do know why people do . Its cause something bads going on that hurts them, So they Self harm, amd take it out on there self, thinking if they hurt thereself , nothing else can hurt quite as much .

Did Prince tell Paris to cut her wrists in an argument?

Nobody knows why Paris tried to hurt herself, any stories out there are simply speculation.

Why do your wrists hurt to the point of crying when you do back handsprings and im new to them?

You need to practise on a soft mat first or a trampoline to get your wrist ready.

What is the easiest way to do a back handspring?

Stretching your back and wrists. You don't want to get hurt. Back bridges are a great thing to do before throwing a back handspring.

What if you fall on your knee and it doesn't hurt to walk on it but it hurts to touch it?

Apply ice or a cold pack. Don't overuse or stress your knee. If it doesn't get better, see a doctor.

Why does it hurt my arms when i play boxing in wii sports?

Because your muscles in your arms are contracting which means your using too much force. Try punching by using your wrists.

What causes a stress fracture?

The overuse of a bone

Do spacers hurt?

Spacers actually kindove hurt!! It might not seem like it but its so painful! The reason why spacers hurt is because they are spacing out our teeth, if one of your spacers was hard to get in, then you know its really gonna hurt!! You should take advil or suck on a ice cube to numb your jaw- MAKE SURE NOT TO BITE THE ICE CUBE or its gonna kill! If your spacer still hurts put an ice pack on your cheek or if your at school go to the nurse and they might have a better way to help.

Can you get a cast if your wrist hurts?

No... it shouldn't hurt, much of my friends have broken their wrists and I haven't heard them complaining that it hurts once the cast was removed...SV