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Q: Blackjack was derived from which old French game?
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Where did the word 'ignorant' come from?

LATE 14th Century Old French derived from Latin, derived from Old Latin, derived from Porot-Latin "gnoscere", meaning "to know".

What language does the word foyer originate?

The word "foyer" originates from French. It is derived from the Old French word "foyer", meaning "fireplace" or "hearth".

Is surname Page Jewish?

No--It is derived from Old French and Middle English.

Which language derived the word safety?

The word "safety" originated from the Old French word "saufte," which derived from the Latin word "salvus," meaning "free from harm."

What is the origin of the name Giselle?

Giselle is derived from French/Old German - it means: pledge

Where did the word duty come from?

The word duty is derived - through Middle-English - from the Anglo-Norman French word deute -> which in turn is derived from the Old-French word deu meaning "owed". That word derived from the Latin word debitus.

What country of origin is the word rapscallion derived from?

Ultimately, Latin, via Old French and Middle English, as rapscallion is derived (as a coinage) from rascal.

What is full from of hotel?

The word 'hotel' is not an abbreviation, it is the full form.It is derived from the French word 'hôtel', which is itself derived from the old French 'hostel'. This is the same word from which we get the English words 'hospitality' and 'host'.

What is the full from of hotel?

The word 'hotel' is not an abbreviation, it is the full form.It is derived from the French word 'hôtel', which is itself derived from the old French 'hostel'. This is the same word from which we get the English words 'hospitality' and 'host'.

What language did city come from?

The word "city" originated from the Old French word "cite", which came from the Latin word "civitas", meaning "citizen body" or "community of citizens".