The atomic symbol for gold is Au and its atomic number is 79.
The atomic symbol for gold is AU.
It is gold whose symbol is Au.
Au is gold.
The atomic name of gold is "Au," which comes from its Latin name "aurum."
Gold has an atomic number of 79, symbol Au, and belongs to Group 11 and Period 6 of the periodic table. Its atomic weight is approximately 196.967 u.
The chemical symbol for gold is Au, which comes from its Latin name "aurum."
Derived from Latin word "aurum" which means "gold"
'Au' is the elemental symbol for gold, atomic number 79.
AnswerGoldYou can find this on the periodic table of the elements. The element with atomic number 79 is gold, Au.
The element gold has an atomic number of 79, a chemical symbol of Au, and is classified as a transition metal.
The symbol for gold in the periodic table is Au, which is derived from the Latin word "aurum". Gold is a transition metal with atomic number 79.