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Do you like to swarm your enemies with hoards of terrifying monster and then shred your enemy with countless swipes of razor sharp talons and scythes?

then maybe tyranids are your kind of Warhammer 40K army.

However tough armies like the space marines will chew through your numbers with powerful ranged weapons and mighty close combat weapons like Deamonhammers and Chainswords.

So really it all comes down to strategy and luck

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14y ago

The Tyranids as a whole are the fastest race in Warhammer 40k especially hormagaunts which can jump 12 inches and assault another 12 inches.

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It depends on how you play them and who the enemy is playing, and how well the enemy is playing.

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Q: Are Tyranids the best army in Warhammer 40k?
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Answer It depends on your preferences: When choosing an army consider its tactics/playing style or just if it looks cool. Do you like hordes of aliens? Then collect tyranids. etc.

Are Tyranids the best?

There is no best and/or worst army in Warhammer 40k. The points system is mostly fair and reflects how these armies should be played. Tau are good at shooting but not so much at close combat, same with Orks and Tyranids, they're not the best at shooting but can eat you up at close combat (most Orks have a BS of 2 I think)

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Maybe Tyranids? I don't know much about the Lizard men so it's basically a half educated guess

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Anything that is close combat oriented & can move up the table quickly.

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Uh, there isn't a T....If you could post an example that would help. IF it's in the stats it stands for Toughness If it's races it's Tyranids

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it is a warhammer 40k peice for the eldar army there fast atack and conciderd the best way to take down a necron monilith!

Does your army in warhammer 40k have to be the same color?

No, but it always looks a lot better if your army is matching, and your opponent with appreciate it.